Saturday, April 21, 2018

Week 11: Blog Post part one Email Marketing

With that in mind, what information could your business use for a newsletter, and how often would you send one? Write a list of content ideas you think your customers would enjoy seeing and why.

The information that my business can use for a newsletter could include are:

Local hombrewing and brewery events;

new beer out in the market ratings; and

equipment, ingredients, materials for craft brewing.

This above information provided to our customer would be enjoyed for the simple fact of what a home brewer, beer aficionado, and brewer experiences. As a home brewer / brewer, I enjoy reading newsletters about other beer ratings, styles, and new equipment / ingredients out in the market.

1 comment:

  1. I like your idea of including local brewery events, I think it strengthens the craft beer community. Would you do a weekly event newsletter in addition to your other content ideas or keep it all in one post for your followers?
