Thursday, March 1, 2018

Week 6: Blog Post Part 1 Setting up a FaceBook Business Page

How are these businesses using FaceBook?

Most Businesses found success using FaceBook marketing strategy. I found most businesses relying on facebook marketing features to promote, advertise, and sale products, in this case beer.

In your opinion are they using it effectively?

I feel most businesses in the beer industry are using FaceBook effectively. They post product image banner of what new beer or new product release. For example, what was noticeable was the increase in (page like, posts, and engagements) that helped gain more exposure.

How often are they posting?

According, to insights, which compares the performance of your page and post with similar pages on facebook. Here, I can see how often businesses are posting. Typically, most businesses post 2-7 times a week. Also, I noticed that they keep a constant engagement during the week.

Did they set up their Cover photo and calls to action correctly in your opinion?

I noticed a trend and constancy with the beer industry social media cover photos. The photos showed high quality designs and quality beer pictures. The call to action page that stud out was Novo Brazil brewing. They linked the appropriate page to sell the product or event effectively.

Can you think of ways they could use FaceBook more effectively?

I think most businesses are not using the shop option effectively. When you think about it, most people like to buy online. Especially, if it's an event or beer festival. I found most businesses not using the shop options to increase sells.

In reviewing their use, can you think of ways you could use FaceBook more effectively for your own business?

In comparing the performance of my page and post with similar pages on facebook. I could use FaceBook more effectively is increasing weekly post, engagements, setting up cover photo, and calls to action correctly.

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