Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Week 5: Blog Post Part 2 Your Target Market

Embarcadero Brewing and  Supplies Company will provide quality ingredients, equipment, and instructional classes for all aficionados and hobbyists. I plan to take advantage of San Diego’s famous craft beer scene, well established military environment, emerging Hispanic market, and be the firstlocal establishment to educate south San Diego residents and neighbors about the wonderfulhobby of home brewing. 

My initial research has identified the following opportunities:

No home brew supply store south of the 94 InterstateNo unique combination of style tasting, instructional classes, and home brewing supply storein the south San Diego communityPort of San Diego Bayfront/Marina Gateway redevelopmentLarge Hispanic and military marketExciting time to be part of the vibrant craft brewing and home brewing scene in San Diego

Nationwide, the number of operating craft breweries has increased by 18% in 2013 by volumeas compared to the 15% increase in 2012.2 With the current growth of the craft beer industry,San Diego residents and visitors to our wonderful city are becoming educated with the numerous and creative styles of crafted ales and lagers. According to the San Diego Brewers Guild brochure; there are 130 operating breweries in San Diego County!3

Homebrew hobbyists and clubs have also sprouted along with the craft beer revolution. Thenumber of registered clubs for the San Diego County on the American Homebrewers Association(AHA)website has reached 23 clubs as of June 2013.4 The same applies the home brew supplystores. As

of June 2013, there are 10 home brew supply stores in the county of San Diego. 5As the number of breweries continue to increase and spread to other areas of San Diego, it
appears the number of craft beers enthusiast will keep pace as more communities support this
wonderful growth.

The primary owner and operator of The Beer Supply Company is a native San
Diegan, surfer, and former U.S. military veteran. This gives the business a unique vision and
personal attachment to the area. The Beer Supply Company intends to seek patronage with following
potential customers;

Residents and visitors to South Bay Area ( married, single, and college students ages 24- 49 years)
Active duty military personnel and veterans
Reach out to the Hispanic community as native Spanish speakers

According to SADAG fast fact population characteristics (2000 and 2010 census) Hispanic Total
15% increase. 6

1  “The Economic Impact of Craft Breweries in San Diego” National University System Institute for Policy Research.June18, 2013.http://www.nusinstitute.org/assets/resources/pageResources/NUSIPR_SD_Craft_Breweries_Econ_Impact_Brief.pdf

2  “Craft Brewing Industry Statistics,” Brewers Association . July 4, 2013.http://www.brewersassociation.org/pages/business‐tools/craft‐brewing‐statistics/facts

3  “A Complete Guide To San Diego Breweries,” San Diego Brewers Guild , 2014.http://www.sandiegobrewersguild.org/wp‐content/uploads/2013/03/SDBG_Brochure‐2013‐WEB.pdf1.

4  “Find a Homebrew Club,” American Homebrewers Association . 2014.

5  “Find a Homebrew Supply Shop,” American Homebrewers Association . 2014.

6 “Demographics & Other Data Fast Facts,”SANDAG . October 2011.


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