Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Final Blog Post

My overall perspective and outlook toward social media has changed throughout the semester. I feel more comfortable with using social media and its tools. Despite the many ways and options for online marketing, in a nut shell, it comes down to creating compelling content, marketing and advertising your brand, and analyzing.

After implementing above strategies, I have noticed a growth of customers and increased interactions. With short quick visual bursts, and advertising our brand, I have seen a bump in likes and activity across the board. "Numbers don't lie."

Overall, I have a better understanding of how online marketing strategies work. My viewpoint for social media marketing potential has strengthened. I can now make more effective online marketing strategies when monitoring FaceBook and Google analytics metrics.

To make a business successful, a business needs to develop an effective online marketing strategy. The most important I feel makes an effective online marketing strategy is creating compelling content that keeps the customer engaged and increases interactions. Another important thing to do is market and advertise your brand by sending weekly online advertisements through social media and email. Lastly, analyzing data by the metrics from Facebook and Google analytics.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Week 16: Blog Post Part Two: Planning Your Future Strategy

Considering all the variables from recent lectures and tools we learned this semester, the online 

marketing strategy that I would implement are: 

 Creating compelling content; is most important in engaging the customer. Having them keep coming back and sharing visual content that tells a story.

Market and advertising our brand; sending weekly email marketing and online advertising through the use of social media tools. And

Analyzing data; gathering the data from Facebook / Google business analytics will be the best practice for my business.

The estimated time my business should spend on social media marketing will be a few hours to social media a week. It will depend on what makes the best sense through testing.
For next month rough plan will include all variables listed above. I will implement the online marketing strategy by creating compelling content in real-time by advertising through social media FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, and email marketing. I will gather and analyze data from the last 7 day report to see if we reach our monthly goal.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Week 16 Blog Post Part One: Planning Your Future Strategy

Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube integrate best with the type of business I operate. The most I enjoyed using for my business is both Instagram and Facebook. I found we had the most likes, site visit's, and exposure with Instagram and Facebook.

The type media we post and share that seems to work well with my business are calendar events, and media graphic banner's. I guess people like to constant photos and designs that show what products we have for sale. Another component we found worked well and noticed that we had more people interaction, comments were video ads.

Now, that we found a pattern, I can focus my attention on the most effective media ads to use on a daily. The most effective posts are the business picture collage updates. The most effective posts that we will be using on a much less frequent time schedule are the video sponsored ads. I chose these options mainly due to budget and time schedule. Since, we are doing the majority of all the start-up business work we have set due dates to complete each item for grand opening we have limited budget and time to complete more social media. However, once we finish construction end of this month, we will focus a solid month for just social media advertisement.


Gus Molina

Embarcadero Brewing Company LLC.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Week 15: Blog Post Part Two: Optimizing Yourself and the Company

After reviewing all the content on my FaceBook business analytics page, I found a few changes in the overview. I chose the 7 day Overview page summary option. Here I can see activity insights reported within the last 7 days. The overview will show reports on page view, likes, post engagements, video likes, etc,. By clicking the data link on total views, a chart generated by facebook analytics shows a graph section, day, and amount. Facebook also has a unique feature that shows overall and compares san Diego craft beer, facebook trends daily. This is a very helpful tool to see if ads on business page are getting any views and it compares overall likes.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Week 15: Blog Post Part One: Optimizing Yourself and the Company

Visiting google analytics for my business. I find real-time and audience feature most beneficial. With real-time I can monitor and see web browsing user activity in real-time. I can monitor the number of people, their geographic location, key search words that lead them to my website, and activity as it happens. The audience feature I can see the overview of the active user. I can explore through various options. I find it very helpful to monitor the active user's demographic, behavior, age, gender, and more with the audience option.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Week 14: Blog Post Part One Developing Online Advertising

The social media advertisement my business uses are:

Domain Ads
Multi-Product Ads (Carousel Ads)
Offer Ads
Video Ads
Sponsored Mentions

Most of facebook advertising we do are single post ads. The only ads we chose to run paid campaign are the ads which promote our website, events, and products. Once we open doors we will begin using the Boost Sales option to promote the grand opening of our tasting room / supply store.

Due to my business being both entities a brewery and tasting room, we will be creating two different types of ads. One ad will be promoting the brewery that shows what beer, food, events. The other ads creating will be promote the supply store equipment, ingredients, recipes, and more.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Week 14: Blog Post Part Two Developing Online Advertising

The object here is to keep the people updated on our soon to open tasting room and brewing supply store. The ad objective that makes the most sense is engagement and awareness marketing. It makes the most sense because we want to build hype and let people know that we will be opening our doors really soon. The ad targets the beer industry market. The ads below describe updated beer events, beers, projects, and project completion information.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Week 13: Blog Post Part Two Online Advertising: Analysis of the Marketplace

With social media a business can chose from multiple ways to advertise a product, or service. As a start-up business my company uses, the free advertisement, promote, and boost sales option. We have noticed that timing and budget has a lot to do with generating best results. The best results from using any form of social media advertisement have been on particular times between the day. Such as, noon and late pm postings have been more affective. According to facebook and google analytic, the paid campaigns have reached a large demographics. Since we are under construction, most of the feedback have been from friends, family, and local events. We rely on social media postings to keep people posted on construction, and opening soon dates. I think once we open doors, we will have a better understanding on how effective our choice of social media advertisement is, and see what changes or modifications need to happen.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Week 13: Blog Post Part One Online Advertising: Analysis of the Marketplace

Find 5 businesses similar to yours and study the social advertising they use. In your opinion does their advertising seem effective?

Look for examples of advertising on FaceBook, Twitter and other social media. What draws your attention? What is their call to action? Do they use imagery and is it effective?

Compare the impact of traditional advertising to advertising done on Social Media. Which is more effective with you?

The five businesses similar that use social advertising are:

SS Brewtech
Circle Nine Brewing
3 punk ales
Chula Vista Brewing

SS BrewTech; are on top of their stainless steel / commercial / home brewing game when displaying content over social media. They use up to date video and advertising that puts them on top. For any new up and coming nano / commercial brewer who wants to start in the game, they are the first choice for quality. They use imagery that attracts to many who want to up their game. The traditional brewer used old out rated glass carboy's fermenter. Now, the basic home brewer game has evolved to the more advanced stainless steel fermenter.

MoreBeer;  In my opinion, my hats off to morebeer,  a company who has grown into a very reputable homebrewing / commercial brewery supplier. They use facebook, and other social media to display high quality imagery graphic of hops, yeast, grains, and brewing supplies. They showcase new home brewing and pro brewing equipment on the market on a constant basis. The customer experience is very helpful and orders are shipped fast.

Circle Nine Brewing;  What draws me to the attention of this business is the use of simplicity.  Their call to action needs work. The imagery is to the point. They use basic traditional advertising on social media, nothing to fancy and high graphic.

3 Punk Ales ; These guys are solid, trying to make a living. Using their own skills to create social media graphic imagery to attract the young crowd of beer drinkers. They are very persistent with displaying social media content. Their call to action is needs some work. I could not find the call to action on their site?

Chula Vista Brewing ; This is business hit the ground running, my respect! They are evolving very fast. The social media call to action has improved from last. They use the traditional social media display content. Most of their movement has been word of mouth. Very popular place to hang out in the SouthBay.

The most effective business to follow is SS BrewTech. They are followed throughout the states. It is evident that they use all the components of social media marketing.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Week 11: Blog post part two Email Marketing

Find 5 businesses similar to yours and study the social advertising they use. In your opinion does their advertising seem effective?
Look for examples of advertising on FaceBook, Twitter and other social media. What draws your attention? What is their call to action? Do they use imagery and is it effective?
Compare the impact of traditional advertising to advertising done on Social Media. Which is more effective with you?

The five businesses similar that use social advertising are:

  1. SS Brewtech
  2. MoreBeer
  3. Circle Nine Brewing
  4. 3 punk ales
  5. Chula Vista Brewing

SS BrewTech; are on top of their stainless steel / commercial / home brewing game when displaying content over social media. They use up to date video and advertising that puts them on top. For any new up and coming nano / commercial brewer who wants to start in the game, they are the first choice for quality. They use imagery that attracts to many who want to up their game. The traditional brewer used old out rated glass carboy's fermenter. Now, the basic home brewer game has evolved to the more advanced stainless steel fermenter. 

MoreBeer;  In my opinion, my hats off to morebeer,  a company who has grown into a very reputable homebrewing / commercial brewery supplier. They use facebook, and other social media to display high quality imagery graphic of hops, yeast, grains, and brewing supplies. They showcase new home brewing and pro brewing equipment on the market on a constant basis. The customer experience is very helpful and orders are shipped fast.  

Circle Nine Brewing;  What draws me to the attention of this business is the use of simplicity.  Their call to action needs work. The imagery is to the point. They use basic traditional advertising on social media, nothing to fancy and high graphic.

3 Punk Ales ; These guys are solid, trying to make a living. Using their own skills to create social media graphic imagery to attract the young crowd of beer drinkers. They are very persistent with displaying social media content. Their call to action is needs some work. I could not find the call to action on their site? 

Chula Vista Brewing ; This is business hit the ground running, my respect! They are evolving very fast. The social media call to action has improved from last. They use the traditional social media display content. Most of their movement has been word of mouth. Very popular place to hang out in the SouthBay.

The most effective business to follow is SS BrewTech. They are followed throughout the states. It is evident that they use all the components of social media marketing. 

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Week 11: Blog Post part one Email Marketing

With that in mind, what information could your business use for a newsletter, and how often would you send one? Write a list of content ideas you think your customers would enjoy seeing and why.

The information that my business can use for a newsletter could include are:

Local hombrewing and brewery events;

new beer out in the market ratings; and

equipment, ingredients, materials for craft brewing.

This above information provided to our customer would be enjoyed for the simple fact of what a home brewer, beer aficionado, and brewer experiences. As a home brewer / brewer, I enjoy reading newsletters about other beer ratings, styles, and new equipment / ingredients out in the market.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Week 10: blog post part two Blogging for Business

The areas that I would use to blog are:

Market with suppliers; Our local market in National City and the south bay area is the focus. Based on our target market, we intend to place advertisements across publications that are readily available at local breweries and businesses our target audience frequents.

Growing popularity in home brewing and craft brews; The homebrew industry is thriving as a business in the United States thanks to the many passionate hobbyists and the craft beer revolution.

Partnership with leading online distributor; Embarcadero’s website will explain the company’s products and services in detail. The website will allow current and prospective customers 24 hour access to our content at their convenience

Commented Classmates blog:



Lemar A

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Week 10: Blog Post Part One Blogging for Business

What’s most important is how emotional language can change personal experience. The social media experience is no longer that boring spots, but now they are using methods that are more on a relatable level. That method is the use of adding human interest to a post. It makes sense to use this method when creating an experience that appeals to peoples emotions. This can be effective when you are trying to sell a service or product. When it doesn't make sense, it is when you as a business are just trying to get a message across, or a thank you.


Monday, April 9, 2018

Week 8: Blog Post Part Two Get Visual: Let a Picture Tell the Story

The businesses I chose to explore are 3 punk ales, Chula vista brewing, Bay Bridge brewing, and Novo Brazil.

1) 3 punk ales- Visual media seems to be working well for them. They repost what others hashtag. Doesn't seem like they use instagram as much as they use Facebook live. averaging around 3 post per day. They have around 3k followers. Their last post was few hours ago. Most of the comments are from friends and some customers, but mostly friends. Their followers range across the board. Other similar businesses to non-related businesses, and random people. What they are doing that can help my business, is how they include customer posts on their visual social media.

2) Chula Vista Brewing- Visual social media gets the idea across for CVB. I find CVB very unique, in the sense that they have over 5k followers in such a short amount of time. They reached a fast fan base from producing high quality beers. They arrived on the scene out of nowhere. The next minute they announced they were opening main street Chula Vista, masses began to show. It seems like word of mouth was more effective than visual social media for them. They post very few times and receive feedback comments from the local crowds. What I could use from them is displaying simple but meaningful post.

3) Bay Bridge Brewing- Visual social media is not their strength but its enough to get the word across. They post once or twice a week with simple content and design. They have a total of 955 followers with very few to none comments. Despite having few posts per week and little to none comments, they have a full house most often. We could benefit from using the constant, simple, clean posting as they do.

4) Novo Brazil Brewing- Visual social media works very well. With over 7K  followers and growing. They post several times per week with high quality graphic design and content. They receive many comments on their posts. To my understanding they interact most often and respond frequently. They are doing what we can benefit from is using high quality graphic design and content.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Week 8: Blog Post Part One Get Visual: Let a Picture Tell the Story

According to our brand, the visual networks that works best for our product and service are Instagram and YouTube. We link our Social Media networks together. It works out great! What we post on Instagram, shows up on Facebook and have links in the bio for our YouTube. We are in the process of creating a marketing campaign with visual social media for our re-grand opening. Stay Tuned!



Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Week 7: Blog Post Part 2 Engaging your Customers: Facebook Strategy

These post I feel keep the customer engaged and updated. The posts explain a few details on current news for tasting room construction, small batch brewing, and collaborations. The beautiful part of being both a brewery and home brewing supply store is that we can cater to the professional brewer and novice brewer.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Week 7: Blog Post Part One Engaging your Customers: Facebook Strategy

These are the 8 business I chose to help with content to share with my followers / customers.

1) Country Malt Group
2) BSG Handcraft
3) BrewCraft
4) American Homebrewers Association
5) Brewers Association
6) Fermentis
7) WhiteLabs
8) Morebeer

These businesses are venders and industry leaders. I plan on using these businesses to help promote and share content related to the beer industry. The strategy is to allow a network of communication among other's in the industry, to gain insights on tips and new technology being used. This is very helpful to grow a business. For example, if my business has any technical issues's most often the above businesses have useful resources to help. Some of these businesses come with memberships to gain access to more resources's that can help navigate around certain situations that can become problematic. Such as operation cost, distribution, equipment, ingredients that might be needed at a lower cost than most. Not to mention trial and error recommendations. 

These  businesses can help other's grow on Facebook by the amount of information given to potential customers that can be used to attract more followers with the same demographic target market. The challenge will be to better understand how business's operate on Facebook and link it all together. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Week 6: Blog Post Part 2 Setting up a FaceBook Business Page

A post reach is a post that is seen by a target audience. Facebook Insights overview will show your 5 most recent posts. In the reach section, it will display  organic / paid amount of people who it reached. 

A post engagement is how people interacted with the post. In the engagement section, it will display people's reactions, comments, and shares. 

It is important to understand the difference between both post reach and post engagement to see if you are reaching the right audience. A post can reach hundreds of people, but have few engagements if seen by the wrong demographic. But if the post reach is seen by the target audience, it can have more post engagements. 

A business can gain from understanding how post reach and post engagements work, by understanding facebook insight overview. A business can see if they are reaching target market goals. An example is studying facebook insight overview trends.  

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Week 6: Blog Post Part 1 Setting up a FaceBook Business Page

How are these businesses using FaceBook?

Most Businesses found success using FaceBook marketing strategy. I found most businesses relying on facebook marketing features to promote, advertise, and sale products, in this case beer.

In your opinion are they using it effectively?

I feel most businesses in the beer industry are using FaceBook effectively. They post product image banner of what new beer or new product release. For example, what was noticeable was the increase in (page like, posts, and engagements) that helped gain more exposure.

How often are they posting?

According, to insights, which compares the performance of your page and post with similar pages on facebook. Here, I can see how often businesses are posting. Typically, most businesses post 2-7 times a week. Also, I noticed that they keep a constant engagement during the week.

Did they set up their Cover photo and calls to action correctly in your opinion?

I noticed a trend and constancy with the beer industry social media cover photos. The photos showed high quality designs and quality beer pictures. The call to action page that stud out was Novo Brazil brewing. They linked the appropriate page to sell the product or event effectively.

Can you think of ways they could use FaceBook more effectively?

I think most businesses are not using the shop option effectively. When you think about it, most people like to buy online. Especially, if it's an event or beer festival. I found most businesses not using the shop options to increase sells.

In reviewing their use, can you think of ways you could use FaceBook more effectively for your own business?

In comparing the performance of my page and post with similar pages on facebook. I could use FaceBook more effectively is increasing weekly post, engagements, setting up cover photo, and calls to action correctly.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Week 5: Blog Post Part 2 Your Target Market

Embarcadero Brewing and  Supplies Company will provide quality ingredients, equipment, and instructional classes for all aficionados and hobbyists. I plan to take advantage of San Diego’s famous craft beer scene, well established military environment, emerging Hispanic market, and be the firstlocal establishment to educate south San Diego residents and neighbors about the wonderfulhobby of home brewing. 

My initial research has identified the following opportunities:

No home brew supply store south of the 94 InterstateNo unique combination of style tasting, instructional classes, and home brewing supply storein the south San Diego communityPort of San Diego Bayfront/Marina Gateway redevelopmentLarge Hispanic and military marketExciting time to be part of the vibrant craft brewing and home brewing scene in San Diego

Nationwide, the number of operating craft breweries has increased by 18% in 2013 by volumeas compared to the 15% increase in 2012.2 With the current growth of the craft beer industry,San Diego residents and visitors to our wonderful city are becoming educated with the numerous and creative styles of crafted ales and lagers. According to the San Diego Brewers Guild brochure; there are 130 operating breweries in San Diego County!3

Homebrew hobbyists and clubs have also sprouted along with the craft beer revolution. Thenumber of registered clubs for the San Diego County on the American Homebrewers Association(AHA)website has reached 23 clubs as of June 2013.4 The same applies the home brew supplystores. As

of June 2013, there are 10 home brew supply stores in the county of San Diego. 5As the number of breweries continue to increase and spread to other areas of San Diego, it
appears the number of craft beers enthusiast will keep pace as more communities support this
wonderful growth.

The primary owner and operator of The Beer Supply Company is a native San
Diegan, surfer, and former U.S. military veteran. This gives the business a unique vision and
personal attachment to the area. The Beer Supply Company intends to seek patronage with following
potential customers;

Residents and visitors to South Bay Area ( married, single, and college students ages 24- 49 years)
Active duty military personnel and veterans
Reach out to the Hispanic community as native Spanish speakers

According to SADAG fast fact population characteristics (2000 and 2010 census) Hispanic Total
15% increase. 6

1  “The Economic Impact of Craft Breweries in San Diego” National University System Institute for Policy Research.June18, 2013.

2  “Craft Brewing Industry Statistics,” Brewers Association . July 4, 2013.‐tools/craft‐brewing‐statistics/facts

3  “A Complete Guide To San Diego Breweries,” San Diego Brewers Guild , 2014.‐content/uploads/2013/03/SDBG_Brochure‐2013‐WEB.pdf1.

4  “Find a Homebrew Club,” American Homebrewers Association . 2014.‐a‐club

5  “Find a Homebrew Supply Shop,” American Homebrewers Association . 2014.‐a‐supply‐shop

6 “Demographics & Other Data Fast Facts,”SANDAG . October 2011.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Week 5: Blog Post Part 1 Your Target Market

My first observation I noticed  that both websites, chills, and Teri cafe target market all age groups. The information provided on the both websites includes, prices that cater to all gender, age, income, and marital status.

The chilis website clearly markets the fresh, healthy, and fun, atmosphere. While the Teri cafe markets the more local, handmade, and laid back environment. Chills is a well established brand that has be growing and keeping with the trends, but still stays true, to their fresh Tex and fresh Mex roots. As promoted in their mission statement " Delivering fresh Tex and Fresh Mex flavors like no place else." (They use the perfect example of psychographics, and how they study the buyer's habits, and spending habits.) The Teri cafe promotes to the similar demographics between the the two types of customers. The subtle difference is the atmosphere, and how they promote more the homemade variety. 
As far as the overall Chills audience website design message, I noticed the more corporate vibe, and they didn't have a facebook call to action. It was more geared  towards the employee or career, and not the customer. The main focus and message was how they are "Giving Back."
 Despite being family owned and operated for over 30 years, Teri Cafe's audience message to customer's are still about the customer and their homemade food. As it shows when you hit the call to action social media icon's. 
Both websites have their obvious differences that stand out right away, and use the their website, and call to action marketing strategy to send a clear message to their intended audience's. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Week 4: Blog Post Part 2 Aesthetics, Design, and Branding

Comment on others blog posting (the Thursday Post): Do you agree with their view? Can you see another point of view? Add the names of the student blogs you commented on to the bottom of your 2nd blog post for this week..

The two websites I frequently use are:

Both website's are effective in promoting the latest and greatest. I use and on a daily basis. They the both send me email alerts on new material. AHA allows me to see new beer recipes that I'd like try, equipment, material, and other helpful topics for homebrewing. The content is amazing along with the contrast grabs my attention. The design theme has a smooth flow. They incorporate all aspects of a solid website that keeps me coming back for more. I wouldn't change a thing. I have been using the longest. I have seen most of their changes. The layout theme has improved a lot over the years. In the early 90's they added a cool webcams feature and pictures. In a way Surfline are web pioneer's. At the time I don't remember to many other websites that were using such technology. Much has improved like, real-time climate, weather, and surf swell cams. What makes me come back again and again is the love for surfing. They continue to provide with up to the minute events and surfing conditions. What could be improved is the navigations to and around the site. I think since they have so much data from all surf conditions around the world data gets updated frequently. So if the link was not saved or bookmarks it is usually impossible to find.

Student blogs I commented on:

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Week 4: Blog Post Part 1 Aesthetics, Design, and Branding

The potential problems for visitor I noticed are no newsletter pop-up, clustered design, and not aligned properly.
According to the G.R.A.P.H.T.E.D method, I think the website should use more graphic contrast, and could use more eye catching colors that go with the High Resolution images. The colors seem to basic and logo can use more pop. 
I also noticed they don't have a newsletter pop-up banner to interact with customers.

The two following websites below clearly they create a circle of information that connects with our daily lives. Both websites use design, aesthetics and branding that plays a role in our life style, and impacts our buying decision.These website also incorporate all the G.R.A.P.H.T.E.D method and follows the simple but solid web design.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Comment on your group's blogs: Week 3

Week 3: Blog Post Part 2

The business name
3 punk Ales, BayBridge Brewing, Ground swell brewing, Chula Vista Brewing, and Novo Brazil are the only breweries near us.

The social media are visibly using links on their website and clearly show daily use. Both links from website back to social media work very well.

 date of the last post on each of their their social media:

Groundswell Brewing: 2/13/2018 
3 Punk Ales: 2/8/2018
Bay Bridge Brewing: 2/10/2018
Chula Vista Brewing: 2/13/2018
Novo Brazil: 2/11/2018

Write a short analysis of their use of social media - Are these businesses using their social media well? Do they use some more than others? 

After observing all social media sites of these 5 businesses, mostly all are using their social media well. The two businesses that uses social media a lot more are 3 punk ales, and Chula Vista Brewing.
After analyzing the 5 businesses, I discovered from collectively from this exploration by noticing few things. Those things are:
Constant use of social media using vibrant pictures and banners explaining what, where, and how. Very powerful message is seen with the businesses that use more color and graphics.  I did notice that the business that posted material updates on a more frequent, received more hype, and likes. And noticed that the messages flowed very clearly with organized picture's, descriptive timelines, are key factor. 

Monday, February 12, 2018

Week 3: Blog Post Part 1

In a consumer prospective social media makes it easier to get noticed. Whoever has a problem, everyone can see it. It makes sense that a business needs to address a problem asap.

Most experience's that i've had with a business through social media have been positive. Nowadays, most all companies have a dedicated social media responder. It's more faster than email. You get notified right away when a consumer ask's a question or has a problem.

For our business Embarcadero Brewing, we respond to positive and negative comments with empathy. The consumer is always right. Fortunately, we have not had any negative comments. I think this is mostly due to the fact that we are not 100% open to the public yet. We have done few beer festivals and showcased some of our beers. We are satisfied with the overall general opinion. Are beers are unique and provide a style for just about every person's taste. From our smooth germanic lager to the more aggressive IPA and back in between to the more flavorful amber, browns, and stouts.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Week 2: Blogs I Commented On

Week 2: Overview Of Social Media

I think all Social Media platforms were intended for personal use. As time progressed and technology improved so did Social Media platforms. For example, before Facebook, there was MySpace. People would customize their own personal site. You could create your own background, theme, add music, pictures with effects. At the time Facebook only had very few options to customize. But out of nowhere, Facebook blew-up overnight. Facebook caught on to future trends and understood what changes needed to be made. And later came other avenues of social media, like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.  

People were now able to follow their favorite celebrities, entertainers, and see their daily lives. It was not long after everyone including business's would catch on to the promotional and advertisement power of social media. I think the fun started once company's started using social media platform integration. For example, a business can create a promotion or ad on Facebook and with the integration option  it would automatically send to Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, email and Website. And the creativity didn't stop there. Inside the business promotion or ad, was hyper links to redirect the customer to shop.

However, Social Media is suitable for both business and personal use. Like I mentioned earlier a business can benefit from social media integration to advertise, promote, and gather data. While personal use can benefit from social media to inform for birthday parties, family gatherings, and fundraiser.  

Monday, January 29, 2018

Week1B: Blogs I commented on

I chose to comment on the three classmates below. Two out of the three chose to do simple clean custom theme. The third blogger chose a book theme that I enjoyed.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Week1A: My Template

Hi Class,

I chose the theme Travel because I believe life is a journey that we travel looking for happiness. For me any path that brings me happiness, there i travel looking endlessly. The journey could be in a form of a book. For example, i love homebrewing. The Joy Of Homebrewing was the book that started my homebrewing journey.

